Cosmic Proof Of God

When dealing with origins...

Undirected processes follow this pattern:

1. Something exists.
2. It changes by chance.
3. Something else/different begins to exist.

Directed processes follow this pattern:

1. Somebody exists.
2. He produces change by choice.
3. Something else begins to exist.

From these patterns, we initially observe that something cannot come from absolute nothingness...

And therefore, in order for anything to exist at all, #1 in both scenarios (both patterns) would have to be an eternal something - without beginning.

However, in the case of undirected processes, #1 would have to originate as a result of the undirected pattern itself, as follows:

"1." Something (else/different) exists.
"2." It changes by chance.
"3." Something else/different begins to exist.
"4." It changes by chance.
"5." Something else/different begins to exist.
"6." It changes by chance.
"7." Something else/different begins to exist.

...There isn't actually a #1 (a "first something") in this pattern, because all somethings in the undirected scenario would have to originate from the undirected pattern itself. In other words, the pattern leads to an impossible infinite regress of events; our universe could not have resulted from undirected processes, as this would require an infinite amount of past events and antecedents - as demonstrated above.

The same is not true with the directed pattern:

1. Somebody exists.
2. He produces change by choice.
3. Something else begins to exist.

...Note that #1 (God) does not originate from the direct pattern itself. And that is key; the solution to the problem of infinite regress. God can create as many somethings as He wills - as an act of His power and omniscience. Our universe is the result of God causing #2 and #3 to occur.

Atheists may attempt to refer to #1 in the directed pattern as special pleading or similar, until they realize that even if the directed pattern were not "on the table," the undirected scenario would remain impossible - bringing us back to the directed scenario as the logical solution.

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